Monday, October 18, 2010

Safety Awareness Program in Hotel Management

Hotel staffs are doing a lot of house keeping jobs always have to lift heavy stuff or be constantly exposed to cleaning chemicals. For instance, the act of shifting bed sheets requires the hotel work to bend down, lift the mattress up with both hands, and slip the sheets under the mattress. Mattresses are considered heavy objects, especially if one has to repeat the same movements several times a day. If not careful, this apparently harmless act can lead to severe back injuries.

In addition, hotel workers are also constantly working with cleaning chemicals. There are many different types of chemicals and different hotels choose to use different cleaning agents, detergents, etc. Some cleaning agents are harmless when air borne, but some will cause eye or throat irritations when breathed in directly. To protect the health of the hotel workers, all hotel workers should be properly trained so that they know what safety precautions to take (e.g. wearing masks) when dealing with the chemicals.

For employers who are thinking of cutting corners and saving costs, and would like to do away with the safety training, please reconsider. The benefits of providing such training for hotel workers are very concrete. Most of the London brasserie is providing this type of training programs. For instance, if the training is going to help workplace injuries then it'll naturally lead to less staff on medical leave and lower the staff turnover. After all, who wants to leave an employer who really cares about the safety of the staff? Workers who feel that they are cared for and valued by the companies are definitely more likely be happier in their job, and be more self forced to do a better job.

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